          Who's to be blamed? I look back, and realized that it must be Bush Senior crime for he obviously showed too stupid bad ugly evil to know that It must be Ross Perot turn to run, Bush senior should just have had supported Ross Perot (How come Perot can but not McCain? Because Perot must know how to be your President to make all his administration to service you all Free of Cha 租房子rge. Perot not ever like that stupid bad ugly evil McCain to run for any public office that must have no right to give Free of Charge a say can tell.) instead of shamelessly block Perot's best will and ability to deserve the lead.All existing former Presidents must be killed, because th 澎湖民宿ey all committed the crimes showed too stupid bad ugly evil to know that you are the President, you must do whatever policy yourself like from your heart H0nestly to kill anyone blocking in front of your drive or to be killed by any block failed you to go through. Both Bush were too suck to do things honestly fro 裝潢m their heart, Bush senior too suck to do the duty to killed that liar abusive womanized rapist criminal Bill Clinton for American people, Bush junior too suck to do the duty to killed that marriage treason criminal 0bama for American people, JIm Cartar too suck to killed career liar Reagon for USA. President must have to be more brav 澎湖民宿e than any General in order to deserve any military member to look him up, he must have the absolute power of honesty to do whatever it takes honestly from his own heart to kill and to be killed to make sure his Nation deserve God bless because of his absolute honest, to make sure his Nation earn extreme righteous Satan respect him enough to stand his side to s 東森房屋pare his nation from falling down because of his extreme honest guts. A President failed to kill someone trying to kill him like Reagon or ChenSwayBen showed, he must be killed, because that showed he's too suck to do the duty to kill his enemy on the front line, President must have no right to arrest anyone, must have no right to disarm anyone, President cannnot kill that 西裝killer, President must be killed with no reason needs to tell. That may explain how come USA President be invited to speak in front of US Congress personally, that how the speaker and VP must seat immediately as backers, to give any brave guts US Congress member the same right to kill sucked hated US President like that sucked hated President must have the right to kill anyone of them inside his white 買屋網house. You are the leader, you are given the best convenient to be died under one best gun shot the most merciful way to leave, or you give all your enemy the best gun shot the most merciful way to leave. Yes, to kill and be killed the same rule apply among the law makers each other. Law makers must have the right to kill each other on the floor; to kill and be killed the same rule apply among the same political party membe 租房子rs; that how the political genius MouJerDong left "Gwall.Mean.Down" behind to form his own Communist Party to execute that rule honestly, that how China Communist could do the mission impossible to make entire Mainland China got service and serviced free of charge during MouJerDong time. You want to have your best idea can have the mean and way to go through, you have to have all teammates have the same best will and strength and ability to love th 西服at policy above any individual life to deserve your good luck. You allow sinister evil minded selfish shameless lawless Godless evil doer like Bill Clinton and his ass whore that worse than any criminal to see your national integrity like nothing, you all politicians and political parties must be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 房屋出租  .

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