          馬兆駿's suspected links 馬兆駿-馬才寶(華興校友. He staying teaching in 華興 after graduated from college. I guess 馬兆駿's one of his "Sun.5.Kong.72.Ben" 's cover up titles)-Ma.Ma- 招財進寶-寶寶-Phone.寶寶-寶馬-馬.Phone.-Phone.馬-軍馬-軍警-金寶樓-樓梯-馬前失蹄-錢財-千軍萬馬-王昭君-馬文才- 酒店經紀錢文霖(錢文霽[886-2-29469574/89417071/25032233#369/24903391#100 886-9-37111369; 626-9651577] and 錢文.Pay.[626-9198747] 's brother who's immigrated to Singapore long time ago)-柴玲(one of 64TenAnMan Sq seouare major suspected underground chained slavery terrorist criminal)-黃玲(銘傳5專校友, she looked like female singer蔡琴, I guess蔡琴's one of her "Sun.5.Kong.72.Ben" 's cover up titles)- 黃鶯鶯-趙曉君(Taiwan female Singer, I thi 裝潢nk 趙曉君's one of 黃鶯鶯"Sun.5.Kong.72.Ben" 's cover up titles)-澡堂-唐明皇-蕭明賢(609-7710452)-趙明道(6560-2238 Singapore country code 65)-道聽途說-王說-小說-大廳-林蔭大道-林銀(政大歷史系第二屆)-屠松炎(886-2-[2]-3815132)-閒言閒語-余玲(華興校友 5 西服16-68-17003 718-631-88-95)-余千千(華興校友)-余俊(余千千 余玲's dad)-嚴樂(JungShiauLin's long time close partner)-宋松昌(886-8-7220894)-林吉昌(886-2-[2]-5618832)-錢文霽-王祖賢-朱妍(her English name's "Sky Zhu", she's JungShiauLin's Shanghai co-worker, partner or mast 西裝er)-林吉宗(林吉昌's brother and cousin)-宗毓華(former CBS TV News broadcaster Connie Chong)-花天酒地-余天-余帝-花田李下-下地獄-虞夏花(her English name "Linda Chwee" , Thomas Chwee's wife or EX-wife.718-2656502 917-4353068)- 李妍(86-21-66372736/66372791/66344350 86-13501816120/13817505260)-李玉燕 開幕活動(北一女1968真班)-汪麗燕(政大歷史系第二屆)-李艷秋-中秋節-嚴潔(886-2-29418218/29426551)-朱承杰(886-2-28356794/23310505)-余陳月英-音樂-嚴樂(her nickname 小音) -王麗燕(華興校友 周玉燕's close school mate)-吳玉林(華興校友)--吳彩花(華興校友)--吳月光(華興校友)--林承光-李光耀-吳玲瑤(408-8674486)-姚久龍-李顯龍-陳顯堂(713-8070123 土地買賣 86-21-64888551)-曇花一現-余政憲(余陳月英's son)-鄭進一-鄭金花(one of 嚴樂's T/T 人頭 886-2-25425656EX8799 ID#F221402897)-李顯斌-于斌-嚴斌(嚴樂 嚴潔's brother)-馬英九-鄭月英( also name 李鄭月英 18527 Sweet Meadow, Spring, TX 77379 281-3791687)-余玲雅(余陳月英's daughter)-鴨頭-馬頭-李雅如(She looked like Condi Rice. 華興校友 416-5912 關鍵字排名122 Canada. Notice Angus Tung's 2006 BeiJing音樂會dated 121 122 links to 李雅如 Canada phone number 416-59- 12122)-溫文爾雅-李文和-如何-文雅-李爾王-王慧茹(9348 Chabola Road, San Diego CA 92129 858-6891854)-馬蕙蓮(華興校友415-7527173)-聯合國-郭陳蓮影(also name 陳蓮影 17003 Scenic Lakes Way, Houston TX 77095 281-463-4944)-吳光舜(華興校友)-孫慧萍(one of JungShiauL 土地買賣in's Mainland China co-workers 86-21-66341685/62139157 86-13301808515)-李平(86-13601209903 He looked like王彩菊's husband 吳國豐)-理平頭-王彩菊(華興校友886-7-3321088)-李菊花(華興校友)-陳菊(Kaohsiung City Mayor) 黃鶯鶯-趙曉君 looked like 連方瑀 related.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 花蓮民宿  .

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